Symbiosis Continuum
Fungal Symbioses
In the Scharnagl lab, we study the ecology, evolution, and continuum of fungal symbioses.
All relationships exist along a continuum. Even symbioses, which we tend to think of in positive terms, are long term and physically intimate relationships that can range from parasitism to mutualism.
Many factors, including the identity of the partners, the climate, nutrient availability, and other abiotic and biotic interactions, can influence where a relationship falls along the symbiosis continuum, and it can change throughout the lifetime of the organisms involved.
We aim to discover the many factors that influence the symbiosis continuum of fungi in relationship to their photosynthetic partners and their myco- and microbiomes, and the ways in which these relationships will change, or even lead to dysbiosis, under global climate change.

Scientists are People
Anyone with a curiosity about the world around them, and how it works, has the potential to be a scientist. The best science arises from a diversity of approaches, which comes from a diversity of scientists with unique perspectives, training, and experiences. In our lab, we are working to promote and support diversity, equity, accessibility, inclusion, and belonging.
In this lab, we emphasize the importance of wellness, and a balance between work, play, and rest. Within the scientific practice itself, we invite time and space for thinking, reflection, and creative expression.